Poornachandra tejaswi chidambara rahasya is a well known kannada novel. It starts with the location of a couple of humble community young men settling on the certainty of an enormous scope unrest. Evidently, the thought process in the upheaval is to end the heap ills tormenting their general public. The entertaining reality,though gets uncovered later in the scene.
The young men rehashed disappointments in tempting the young ladies in the town had baffled them such a lot of that they start to look for solace in the dream of unrest as a genuine panacea. The journey after lady friends had strangely transformed into an energy for social transformation!
One gets comparative contemplations about the intentions of ''console heroes'' who compose rage filled remarks via virtual entertainment locales. These rocker ''revolutionaries''typically themselves with a political gathering or a belief system. The alliance,however, is rarely the consequence of any concentrated on comprehension of the belief system. It is essentially because of the impact of what the mental sciences call the fleeting trend impact.
Temporary fad impact alludes ro the normal human inclination of shaping convictions in light of popular sentiments. The human brain has a characteristic inclination for stylish feelings in light of the fact that being in favor of enormous gatherings presents on it a feeling of having a place and security. Depression and dread baate,atleast transiently.
When the temporary fad impact works and convictions get formed,the''likes'' and ''shares'' via web-based entertainment locales just build up them. As well as advancing languid propensities for the mind,the illusive kinship birthed by these''likes'' and ''share'' capabilities as a balmiki for baffled hearts. The console fighters is accordingly left with scaresly any motivating force to serenely assess realities that are in opposition to his convictions. In the event that scholarly lethargy brings profound solace too,why care to turn out to be mentally dynamic?
North of four centuries ago,Francis bacon advised against succumbing to this languid propensity for the human brain. In vogue opinions,he called ''the icons of the commercial center''.
An admirer of such symbols is really a casualty of words that ''evidently force and overrule the understanding,and toss all into disarray l, and lead men away into countless void contentions and inactive likes''.
There is a revered answer for the issues of dejection and disappointment that our console heroes can employ;the honorable organization of old style and innovative writing. Dejection gets assuage when the creative work enjoyably unstuck the peruser from his little egootistic world and spots him in the sweeping domains of more extensive mankind. Dissatisfaction gets eased when it bit by bit changes the peruser standpoint by furnishing him with a more profound enthusiasm for life and its generally expected real factors.
As Harold blossom wrote,''imaginative writing is otherness l, and as such mitigates depression. We read since we can't know an adequate number of individuals, but since kinship is so vulnerable,so prone to decrease or disappear,overcome by space,time,imperfect feelings and every one of the distresses of familial and enthusiasm al life.''