More than 11 million new COVIS - 19 cases were accounted for in December around the world. The new contaminations were not restricted to a locale, but rather were spread across all continents,baring Africa.

    A glance at the best 15 nations which contributed the most cases in December shows that five were from Asia and Europe each,two from Oceania and South America each,and one from North America as displayed in outline 1.
    Graph 1 portrays the quantity of new cases kept in the initial 20 days of December for the best 15 nations. India figure is likewise given as a reference.Japan drives the rundown with 2.58 million contaminations followed by South korea and the US .In the mean time ,india has kept around 3600 cases in this period.
    Outline 2 depricts the quantity of new passings kept in the initial twenty days of December for the main 15 nations which had announced the most cases in this period. India figure is likewise given as a source of perspective. The U.S tops the rundown with north of 7500 passings followed by Japan and Brazil . India has kept 58 passings in the period.
      Strikingly, the quantity of detailed passings in China in December was nine,the least among the nations considered. As a matter of fact ,even lower than india's,which isn't essential for the best 15 rundown and where the cases have remained exceptionally low. In any case, reports from China are pointing in any case. A crematorium laborer in Chongqing,a city of 30 million in the south west, let the AFP know that they had run out of space to keep bodies.
      In the southern megapolis of Guangzhou, a worker at one crematorium in Zengcheng locale said they were making in excess of 30 bodies per day. In the north eastern city of Shenyang, a staff part at a memorial service administrations business said th collections of the departed were by and large left unburied for as long as five days since crematorium are ''totally pressed''.
      Shockingly, passings were likewise higher in nations which have made progress in immunizations. In excess of 4000 Coronavirus passings have been kept in Japan December, regardless of 83% of the populace finishing the underlying two portions. Moreover,127 promoter dosages have been controlled per 100 individuals in Japan - the most noteworthy among the nations recorded in diagram 1 and 2.
     In south korea and Taiwan as well, north of 500 passings have been recorded in spite of something like 86% of the populace getting the initial two portions and more than 80 sponsor shots being directed per 100 individuals in the two countries.

     Diagram 3 shows the % of populace in the nations recorded in graph 1 who took the initial two dosages till December 20,2022. Diagram 4 shows the quantity of sponsor shots managed per 100 individuals across similar nations. However,the information on immunization status of the people who passed on in December will help guage the effect of antibodies better.
        The graph 5 and 6 show Coronavirus related hospitalization in the U.S and number of patients in the ICU in france and Germany. The week after week hospitalization in the U.S is on rising pattern and was near the 40000 blemish on December 18. The quantity of ICU patient in France and Germany were likewise on a rising pattern with more than 1000 such quiet as of December 20.
       While cases keep on being low in India, the portion of individuals who recieved both the underlying dosages stayed beneath 70% and just 15.7 sponsor shots have been organization per 100 people,which is among the most minimal in the nations considered. Be that as it may, india likewise under went three significant Coronavirus waves with many tainted.